There is a Little Way to Go / Mai avem Putin de Mers
Autor: Alexandru Marius  |  Album: Traduceri  |  Tematica: Incurajare
Resursa adaugata de mariusalex in 11/02/2023
There's a little way to go,
'Till we’ll reach the heaven splendor,
and our tears will be no more,
just the light divine, so tender.

Our path is almost done,
on this earth, that's full of anger,
Soon He'll be our brilliant sun,
We will rest in Him forever.

Our cross we'll carry still,
through this sinful, greedy world,
we will walk in His Good Will;
Soon we’ll meet our King and Lord.

He will come, He is so close,
We can see the trees are blooming,
Jesus Christ, One that arose,
Our Groom for us is coming.

English translation (metered, poetic, rhyming, singable) This is a poetic translation - deviations from the meaning of the original are present (extra words, extra or omitted information, substituted concepts). Marius Alexandru Pentru cei care vor sa o cante si in limba Engleza. Slava Domnului pentru asemenea frati minunati.
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